Being an all-star cheerleader is a big honor, but it can be a tiring and challenging sport for your child to compete in. The best thing you can do as a parent in this role is to support them in this area of their life as much as you can. Gold Medal Gyms gives some tips on how you can show your child that you care.
Provide Encouragement
Just like any sport, all-star cheerleaders can have good and bad days. Whether they just completed a big stunt or had a bad day at practice, it’s important you treat your child with the same attitude in both situations. Celebrate their wins but also let them know it’s not the end of the world that they had one bad day. By treating both circumstances with the same attitude, it shows your child that they can know what to expect no matter what kind of day they have.
Give Them The Tools They Need To Succeed
Giving your child the support they need can be as little as making sure they have the equipment they need to perform at their best ability. An athlete or student can perform at their highest potential if they don’t have the required items to help them shine. When they first begin the sport, make sure they have the right uniform, hair ties, and gym equipment. If you notice your child has fallen behind other students or has some room to improve, consider recommending private lessons or additional courses.
Opportunities To Destress
Every athlete needs a break once in a while. If you notice your child seems burnt out of the sport or is noticeably more tired or stressed after practices or competitions, let them know it’s okay to take a break. While it’s essential to attend practices, it’s also important that your child gets a much-needed rest. After a long week of practice or a weekend of competitions, organize a stress-free event to help them relax. Planning activities like a trip to a nail salon, or even just a lazy day will give them a much-needed break and help build their love for the support back up.
Be Their Cheerleader
An all-star cheerleader spends so much time cheering for others that they may not realize they have a supporter of their own. Attending your child’s competitions and showing your support will let your child know that what they’re doing matters to you.
Give Your Child The Best Support System
At Gold Medal Gyms, our all-star cheerleading team is coached by dedicated staff ready to improve and encourage your child. If your child is interested in joining a competitive cheer team, contact us today at (417) 732-4100 or have them enroll in one of our many levels of cheer classes.